Founding Members of the District of Columbia Sociological Society 1934

By Patricia Lengermann and Gillian Niebrugge

Table 1. Founding Members of the District of Columbia Sociological Society 1934*

Name, date, reason for being in D.C. in 1934 Brief Bio
Arner, George Byron Louis

c. 1880-19

Census Bureau

Columbia University PhD 1908 “Consanguineous Marriages In The American Population.” Taught at Princeton 1908-09; Dartmouth 1901-1911. Statistician at Ohio State Board of Health. Co-author with John Spargo, Elements of Socialism 1912
Bellman, Earl S.


University of Maryland

University of Kansas MA 1929 “Attitudes of college men towards careers for wives.” Did Rural Research for the Christian Rural Social Justice Fund; A Study of the Care of the Needy Aged in Maryland Counties 1933
Burgess, Ernest


President of ASA

University of Chicago PhD 1913 “The Function of Socialization in Social Evolution” President of National Council on Family Relations 1942. Chaired University of Chicago Sociology Department 1946
Clague, Ewan


Department of Labor

University of Wisconsin PhD 1929 “Productivity Of Labor In Merchant Blast Furnaces.” Author of After the Shut Down 1934. Director of the Bureau of Employment Security 1940. Commissioner of the Bureau of Labor Statistics 1946
Dedrick, Calvert L.


Central Statistical Board

University of Wisconsin PhD 1934 “Incomes And Occupations In Madison, Wisconsin” Born San Diego. Co-author with Kimball Young, John Lewis Gillin, The Madison Community 1934
Dreis, Thelma A.



American University PhD 1951. Author of A Handbook of Social Statistics 1936. Contributed to U.S. Department Of Agriculture’s Sample Interview Survey As A Tool Of Administration
Edwards, Alan D. Worked for the FERA
Edwards, Esther Worked for the FERA
Forster, Milton

Works Progress Administration

Yale University PhD 1934 “Temporal Relations Of Behavior In Chimpanzee And Man As Measured By Reaction Time.” WPA Coordinator of research and surveys
Frazier, E. Franklin


Howard University

University of Chicago PhD 1932 “The Negro Family in Chicago.” Taught at Morehouse. Organized Atlanta University School of Social Work. Would be President of DCSS, ESS, and ASA


Name, date, reason for being in D.C. in 1934

Brief Bio

Furfey, Paul H.


Catholic University

Catholic University of America PhD 1926 “The Gang Age; A Study Of The Preadolescent Boy And His Recreational Needs.” Ordained priest 1934. Involved with Dorothy Day’s Catholic Worker Movement
Gerlach, Edgar M. C.


Bureau of Prisons

University of Michigan BS 1922. Worked on WPA project Social Service Resource Directory published 1937. Warden at Danbury Federal Prison
Givens, Meredith


Committee on Government Statistics

University of Wisconsin PhD 1929 “Productivity Of Labor In Merchant Blast Furnaces.” Member of Ogburn’s team for 1930s, Social Trends
Halbert, Leroy Alan


D.C. Unemployment Relief

Chicago Theological Seminary, later Doctor of Law Washburn University. Superintendent for Welfare in Kansas City, then Rhode Island. Organized consumer cooperatives
Hauser, Philip Morris



University of Chicago PhD 1938 “Differential Fertility, Mortality, And Net Reproduction In Chicago.” Demographer. Director of Population Research Center University of Chicago. Worked for Census Bureau
Hirschstein, Bertha T.


New York University PhD 1933 “A Sociological study of the Public Library.” Worked for FERA
Leahy, Margaret

Children’s Bureau

Published study on role of social workers in Japanese American internment (1946). Worked for Bureau of Public Assistance
Lorimer, Frank


American University

Columbia University PhD Taught at Wells College. President of Society for the Scientific Study of Population
Magnus, A.R.


Studied farmers on relief
Manny, Theodore B.


Department of Agriculture

University of Wisconsin PhD 1928 “Rural Municipalities; A Sociological Study Of Local Government In The United States.” Professor and later head of sociology department at University of Maryland
Mayer, Joseph


Library of Congress

Sociology consultant to the Library of Congress. Reviewer for ASR. Coordinator for “Projects for collecting, listing and preserving materials of scholarship”
McCormick, Thomas Carter


University of Chicago PhD 1929 “Rural Unrest: A Sociological Investigation of the Rural Movement in the United States”


Name, date, reason for being in D.C. in 1934 Brief Bio
Mueller, John H.



University of Chicago PhD 1928 “The automobile: A sociological study.” Taught University of Oregon. Research analyst for FERA
Rice, Sarah A. Married to Stuart A.
Rice, Stuart A.


Census Bureau

Columbia University PhD 1924 “Farmers And Workers In American Politics.” Worked as political organizer Farm-Labor Party. President of American Statistical Society
Robert, Percy A.

Catholic University

New York University PhD. Became DCSS President
Spicer, Hazel I. Co-author of Study of Student Health Services for Committee on Cost of Health Care 1932; monograph becomes the example used by Johns Hopkins library website to illustrate different citation styles
Stouffer, Samuel A.


Central Statistical Board

University of Chicago PhD 1930 “An Experimental Comparison of Statistical and Case-History Methods of Attitude Research.” Author of Studies in Social Psychology in World War II: The American Soldier 1949
Stephan, Frederick F.



Taught at University of Pittsburgh. Professor at Princeton University. Co-author of Sampling Opinions 1958
Street, Elwood


D.C. Community Chest

As reporter for a Cleveland paper, was assigned to do a story on organized charity and changed careers. Director of D.C. Public Welfare
Taeuber, Conrad



University of Minnesota PhD 1931 “Migration To And From German Cities, 1902-1929.” Worked for U.S. Department of Agriculture; head of farm population and rural welfare, later Kennedy Institute, Georgetown University. Married to Irene Barnes Taeubner 1929; they did demographic research together. DCSS Student Paper Award named for her
Tattershall, Louise M.

Children’s Bureau

Barnard University BA 1908. Statistician for the National Organization for Public Health Nursing
Taylor, Carl


Department of Agriculture

University of Missouri PhD 1918 “The Social Survey, Its History and Methods.” Wrote first textbook on rural sociology 1926. President of ASA 1946


Name, date, reason for being in D.C. in 1934 Brief Bio
Tetreau, E.D.

c. 1900-1945


University of Wisconsin PhD 1930 “Farm Family Participation in Lodges, Grange, Farm Bureau, Four-H Clubs, School And Church.” 1934 Social Forces article, “How to Study the Sociology of Direct Action Farmers’ Movement”
Thomas, Dorothy Swaine



London School of Economics PhD 1925 “Social Aspects of the Business Cycle.” Worked for FERA. First woman President of ASA
Tolley, Howard R.


Agricultural Adjustment Administration

Director of the Giannini Foundation at University of California-Berkeley. Author of The Farmer Citizen at War 1943
Truesdell, Leon E.


Census Bureau

Robert Brookings Graduate School PhD 1924. Published Analysis of the Farm Population 1920
Willard, D.W.

c. 1880-1934

George Washington University

University of Washington PhD “A Social Critique Of Current Tendencies In Health Education.” Died in October 1934 home accident when furnace explodes; Bellman and Rice are pallbearers at his funeral
Willard, Ella Married to D.W. Willard
Williams, Faith M.

c. 1900-1958

Bureau of Labor Statistics

Columbia University PhD 1924 “The Food Manufacturing Industries in New York and Its Environs; Present Trends and Probable Future Developments.” Chief, Office of Labor Economics, Bureau of Labor Statistics 1958; married to Frank Lorimer (see above)
Winslow, Emma A.

c. 1880-1941

Children’s Bureau

University of London PhD 1923 “Budget Studies and the Measurement Of Living Costs And Standards.” Worked for USO in World War II
Wood, Martha

1891 -1948

Children’s Bureau

University of Pennsylvania MA
Woodbury, Robert M.

Children’s Bureau

Cornell University PhD 1915 “Social Insurance: An Economic Analysis.” Involved in statistical studies of infant mortality 1930s
Woolbert, Helen Griffin


University of Chicago PhD 1930 “Type of Social Philosophy as a Function of Father-Son Relationship”

*This Table is a work-in-progress and we would appreciate additional information or corrections to the information we present here.

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